
CII Maharashtra Annual Meeting 2020-21 

& Conference on 

“Gearing up Maharashtra for the Next Normal – Reset Businesses for Growth Beyond COVID-19” 

Wednesday, 3 March 2021


The COVID-19 pandemic has presented the world with one of the most perplexing challenges in recent times. Unmatched in scale and impact, it has not only exacted a huge toll on human lives and the healthcare system, but also cost the global economy millions of dollars and jobs. The situation in Maharashtra is no different, the state faced immense challenges in controlling the spread with the rise in the number of cases and fatalities. But when the pandemic crisis has been tamed, bigger challenges would be to immediately re-launch the global economy.  


As governments, businesses and communities navigate this crisis, the focus is increasingly turning to recovery, reopening, and eventually returning to the ‘Next Normal.’ In order to prepare Maharashtra for the next normal the emphasis needs to be laid on building a resilient, sustained, competitive and progressive ecosystem. This will make the state of Maharashtra truly magnetic for investments across the globe, which in turn can be the right instrument to restart the state’s engine.  


With this vision to reorient the economy, CII Maharashtra has adopted the theme “Gearing up Maharashtra for the Next Normal – Reset Businesses for Growth Beyond COVID-19” for its Annual Meeting 2020-21.  



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